Project Type: Talent

Massive Leadership Acceleration in an Indonesian State-Owned Company

The programme by Pertamina In 2018 is the largest leadership accelerator in Southeast Asia with cohorts of 120 candidates each year preparing for Vice President and Senior Vice President positions by 2023. The challenge is triggered by the retirement of nearly all Pertamina senior leaders in a 5-year period, with a leadership gap of 10 top 15 years’ experience from internally promoted successors taken from middle management ranks. The capability risk is not only for Pertamina but also of national concern since the state-owned company provides 80% of world’s fourth largest country’s fuel and demand is rising with a fast-growing middle class.

This programme is a co-creation initiative representing the collaboration of 4 external partners (INSEAD, Deloitte, Tjitra & associates and Aubrey & associates) working with Pertamina senior leaders and the Human Capital team, including Pertamina Corporate University, to design and deliver a complex and innovative programme.

Project Documentation

WINNER GOLD EFMD GLOBAL 2020: Category Talent Development

What is EFMD?
EFMD is a global non-profit organization committed to improving the quality and relevance of management development worldwide. EFMD accredits business schools and corporate learning and development programs, and awards the Excellence in Practice (EIP) Award to organizations that have demonstrated outstanding partnerships in the areas of leadership, professional, talent and organizational development.

For 2020, the Indonesian company Pertamina won the award in talent development for the Catalyser leadership programme co-created with INSEAD (learning partner), Deloitte (learning partner), Tjitra Associates (senior advisor) and myself in the role of senior advisor. Our co-creation of Catalyser demonstrates the advantages of “gotong royong” (Indonesian word for collaboration) in developing global Asian leaders.